To be honest with you, I have never considered bilingualism and biliteracy as separate terms until I’ve started to develop my knowledge!

Biliteracy is the ability to read and write in two different languages.

Just to clarify – bilingualism means the ability to listen and speak in two (or more) languages, while biliteracy means, that someone can listen, and speak but also read and write proficiently in two or more languages. In other words – you don’t need to be able to read and write to consider yourself a bilingual person!

I would love my children to be both bilingual and biliterate though. I know, that biliteracy will create a solid foundation for our minority language. It will allow kids to read books of their choice, write stories and play games!

Here are my 7 tips to support biliteracy!

✅Be a good example!
Show that you enjoy reading! Show that they can choose from a big range of resources – books, comic books, magazines.
✅Keep reading together as your daily routine!
Read aloud and use the finger-tracking technique, so they will connect the sound of the word with the look of it.
✅Follow your child’s interest!
If they’re into construction trucks, stock the books about them, prepare activity worksheets with trucks etc.
✅Make time to write!
Find time to practice writing. When they’re little, dot the letters so they can follow your writing. Prewriting is also a great exercise! Start with their name, then simple, short words, that are easy to pronounce and write.
✅Create the need!
They need to feel the need to write or read! Write down the shopping list, the letter or postcard to Grandparents or friends
✅Use 3-part cards!
Show the card, with the name of an item under the picture. Let them memorize it. Then use the name and the picture separately and encourage them to match it!
✅Label the house
Print the names of the items that surround you and label them ie ‘fridge’, ‘chair’ etc. They will familiarize themselves and match the look of the words with well-known items that surround them!

What are your ideas to support biliteracy?