Adam has melted my heart one day, after what he has said to us. As Hanna has started nursery recently (English/Welsh), she gets really excited about the songs she knows ie ‘The wheels on the bus’, ‘Wind the bobbin up’. I wanted to encourage her, and started singing one of them, and then, my lovely Adam has said (in Polish): ‘Mum, we have to sing to her in Polish, so she knows Polish! She learns English at the nursery!’
πŸ‘¨β€πŸŽ“The student surpassed the master!
Today let’s talk about: ADDITIVE BILINGUALISM
It is a process of learning a new (second) language, when still developing the first language.
In this approach, the second language is seen as an addition to the learner’s first language, rather than a replacement for it. Additive bilingualism is often seen as the main goal of bilingual education, as while learning a new language, and gaining fluency and proficiency in it, the first language skills and culture remain valued. Both languages are well-developed.
🀩That seems like a perfect situation, doesn’t it? But I think we’ll all agree that it is not the easiest goal to achieve. My family uses Polish only when we’re at home, or outside only when together. At the moment, I’m happy to see that Adam speaks Polish fluently, using new and sometimes sophisticated vocabulary and at the same time he’s using English well. I am aware though, that the social language will get stronger and stronger, that’s why I’m focusing on keeping minority language a positive experience.
Ok, so how to encourage additive bilingualism?
βœ…always keep using the language as a positive experience
βœ…stock books of the target language of your choice
βœ…visit the country where you can use it
βœ…cook the dish originating in the country of the target language, talk about where it comes from
βœ…find a playgroup, parents you can meet and let the kids play together
βœ…play songs in the target language
βœ…explain why it is important for you
βœ…if it’s a language that is new for all of you – join and learn it together
Let me know what are your ideas to encourage additive bilingualism.

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