About Me

Hi! Iā€™m Alicja ā€“ a mum and a wife and what is also true about me ā€“ a passionate about children development!

6 years ago, together with my loving husband, we’ve made a decision to move to the United Kingdom. It has become a special place for me and my family as two of my beautiful children were born here. I love UK’s diversity, open-mindedness, and the fact that so many different nations are adding a cultural twist to it every day.

Polish is my first language but I like to feel about myself as a bilingual person. I really want to give the same to my children, encourage them and make them aware of how important it is to nurture their mother tongue. I want them to be proud bilinguals, feeling that being Polish is a special part of them.

Did I know how to do it? I need to admit, it wasn’t as simple and obvious as I first thought 0 that’s why I invite you to follow our journey, I’ll share my knowledge, ideas, and enthusiasm but also will talk about all the concerns. So if you’re an expecting mother, already a parent, if you’re speaking one or more languages and if you want to develop your knowledge – I hope you’ll find it all here.