FEAR NO 1. Not understanding friends or teachers

As we decided to speak Polish only at home, Adam’s exposure to English was little. I was worried whether he will understand the teacher but also that he’ll be stressed in the English environment.


✅Depending on the child’s age, teach him basic words/phrases like: wee/drink/food/hungry/yes/no. Let the nursery know how to say it in your minority language and write the pronunciation
✅Speak to the nursery teachers and let them know how he/she communicates the needs both verbal and non-verbal way
✅Create a positive atmosphere, don’t pass your fears and stress to the little one


FEAR NO 2. Not sufficient exposure

Funnily, in the beginning, I’m worried about him not understanding English and then I worry about knowing English too much 😅 But he was spending over 8 hours in the nursery 5 days a week! I was worried that exposure to Polish won’t be sufficient.


Find a childminder speaking in your minority language. You can swap 2 days of nursery for 2 days with a childminder
✅Focus on your time together with the little one and make sure the quality of it is the best! Read books aloud together, involve him/her in little home activities and talk, talk, talk!
✅Invite family over!
Kids can spend time with grandparents – boosting the need of the minority language and creating a strong bond between them

FEAR NO 3. Kids making fun of our speaking of the minority language

Luckily didn’t experience it yet and hopefully I never will. I constantly repeat to Adam, that speaking Polish is his superpower!

✅ Build high self-esteem from the youngest age. When they’re older, explain the benefits of being bilingual
✅Talk and try to understand why people are behaving that way – they might be worried about being excluded from conversation or underlying jealousy.

(‼️Remember, there is no tolerance for racism or bullying! Don’t be afraid to highlight issues to the school if you feel it has become too difficult to handle)

What are your biggest ‘bilingual’ fears?